2025 Online Pledge Card

What is a pledge?
It is a spiritual commitment, discerned through prayerful consideration of the gifts we have been given to fund the ministries that enrich us all, to our staff, and to maintain our beautiful campus. Pledges guide the Vestry in planning and managing the annual budget and are by far the primary source of support for our ministry.

2025 Summary Draft Budget
Each year prior to the Pledge Campaign, the Treasurer, Staff, Finance Commission, and Vestry contribute to a Draft Budget to share transparently with you as we ask you to make a financial pledge.

To see the line-by-line budget, please visit:

Set Aside Time to Pray
Consider your gratitude to God for the blessings woven through your own life and your hope for the
future. Start with the basics and continue outward into relationships, connection, and joy. How does St.
Mark’s fit in your web of gratitude?

Set Aside Time with your Finances
Most of us are creatures of habit. It helps us to spend our time and energy on the edges of those
things that excite or worry us. Return to your finances and revisit how your giving to the church
could get renewed attention and priority. You might use the Guide to Faithful Giving below. If your
financial situation has changed, how might you shift your giving up or down, staying faithful to God?

Learn More about Your Impact
Join us Sunday, October 20 as we launch this year’s campaign. Read through this document and
listen to others’ stories as you come in touch with the importance of your giving. Make your 2025
Pledge before Nov 24, which is Consecration Sunday, where we will bless the pledges received.
Please select one option.
In gratitude for God’s goodness and in witness to Grace in Action, I commit myself to a faithful financial pledge to support the mission and ministry of St. Mark’s in 2025.
Please select one option.


What is a pledge?
It is a spiritual commitment, discerned through prayerful consideration of the gifts we have been given to fund the ministries that enrich us all, to our staff, and to maintain our beautiful campus. Pledges guide the Vestry in planning and managing the annual budget and are by far the primary source of support for our ministry.

2025 Summary Draft Budget
Each year prior to the Pledge Campaign, the Treasurer, Staff, Finance Commission, and Vestry contribute to a Draft Budget to share transparently with you as we ask you to make a financial pledge.

To see the line-by-line budget, please visit:

Set Aside Time to Pray
Consider your gratitude to God for the blessings woven through your own life and your hope for the
future. Start with the basics and continue outward into relationships, connection, and joy. How does St.
Mark’s fit in your web of gratitude?

Set Aside Time with your Finances
Most of us are creatures of habit. It helps us to spend our time and energy on the edges of those
things that excite or worry us. Return to your finances and revisit how your giving to the church
could get renewed attention and priority. You might use the Guide to Faithful Giving below. If your
financial situation has changed, how might you shift your giving up or down, staying faithful to God?

Learn More about Your Impact
Join us Sunday, October 20 as we launch this year’s campaign. Read through this document and
listen to others’ stories as you come in touch with the importance of your giving. Make your 2025
Pledge before Nov 24, which is Consecration Sunday, where we will bless the pledges received.